The Concepción Arenal Chair of Agenda 2030 of the University of Oviedo has just published, in Open Access online, a compilation of documents related to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, organized according to the organization from which they originate. This publication, entitled Agenda 2030. Sustainable Development, gathers the reports, resolutions, action plans, strategies and other texts that guide the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and those that monitor its progress, at the international, national, regional and local levels. Access to these documents is constantly updated, through the corresponding link in the source organization.
This compilation is innovative and fundamental for understanding the importance of this global tool that is the 2030 Agenda and its application in different contexts, facilitating the understanding of the current challenges facing humanity and the design of effective strategies for the promotion of the SDGs at all levels. It will also provide insight into the different needs, perspectives and approaches that are being adopted.
Having access to these documents in a systematized and centralized manner facilitates their consultation and follow-up by the different actors involved in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, thus having a clearer vision of the commitments made by public institutions and the progress being made